X-Perience - "I feel safe"
Text ... für Ekowa ;-)
I feel safe
I can't live without you nor
I can't live with you no more
and you make me feel so bored
there is no more love to store
get me right
you don't hurt me anymore
I have nothing left to say
I will find my perfect way
get me right
I don't need you anyway
I don't need to fear or pray
I will make my brandnew day
don't you know I feel safe
at the place I will hide
for the rest of my life
I'm getting strong and brave
and the passion I feel
makes me feel so real
I will open up the door
fleeing shadows on the floor
it was nothing but a dream
nothing counts but endorphin
get me right
you don't hurt me anymore
I have nothing left to say
I will find my perfect way
get me right
I don't need you anyway
I don't need to fear or pray
I will make my brandnew day
don't you know I feel safe ...
it's my life to reveal
Kotopulo - 7. Jun, 16:33
1236 x bei mir reingeschnüffelt
"Leben", "Gefühle" und "Ich" mittendrin...^^
Verzeih mir bitte, ich finde kaum Zeit an den PC zu kommen...was soll ich sagen, das Leben hat mich in seinen Fängen und es fühlt sich so gut an wie nie und es ist Sommer, viel Natur pur... ;-).
Für dich und Mr.M. alles Glück der Welt, wir werden es schaffen, da bin ich mir ganz sicher. In Gedanken sehr oft bei dir/euch im schönen Wien.
Liebe Grüsse, ganz lieb umarm und Bussi